Conquering Anxiety & Stress - Hypnotherapy with Max Kirsten

4.1 ( 6301 ratings )
Livsstil Sundhed & Fitness
Forfatter: Craig Ray
4.99 USD

Max Kirsten Apps - Featured in the UK Sunday Times. Best Apps in the World Feature 2013 for the 2nd year running.

Conquer your anxiety and stress through hypnotherapy. Max Kirsten is an internationally renowned and highly qualified clinical hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, Success Coach and published author with many one to one clients, including film stars, politicians and business leaders. He is also a leading sleep specialist working in collaboration with the London Sleep Clinic, in Harley Street W1, London.

--- Whats included ---

- Over 4 hours of audio sessions and content
- Introduction to the app and hypnotherapy
- 7 Hypnotherapy sessions
- Ambient binaural relaxation session
- Anxiety Tools including Breathing Exercises and Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
- Conquering Social Phobias
- "What is Anxiety?" E-book and audio chapter
- Quick reference fact cards
- In-app support and feedback

--- About the Program ---

This is a proven anxiety busting program based on many years of successfully treating his patients at his private clinic in London - not a generic hypnosis product.

We are living in uncertain worrying anxious times. Paint a picture of unmitigated dark gloom often enough on 24 hour rolling news and its hard to avoid the virus of low-level fear it spreads.

"As a clinical hypnotherapist and success coach, Ive seen a steady increase in the number of clients with anxiety problems in the current climate, particularly since this latest world recession and global financial meltdown began. I was asked by The Times Newspaper to do a 5-Day series on conquering the effects of anxiety and stress. People all worried about money, theyre anxious about keeping their jobs and often have sleep issues.

Im seeing more people who feel out of control and who are using self-destructive forms of behaviour to try to escape their negative feelings. Many have physical symptoms that confirm their stress. Insomnia, nausea, headaches and shallow breathing are common. For all of them. They is an underlying current of anxiety and fear."

This Conquering Anxiety Now app teaches a selection of anxiety busting techniques for Anxiety and other Stress related conditions, Insomnia, Panic attacks, Phobias (including Social Phobia), Hypertension, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Irritable Bowel Condition (IBS) Skin conditions (including Eczema, Blushing) etc...

The Hypnotherapy NLP audio programs were all created in a state-of-the art recording studio with Full Stereo Imaging, combined with the latest breakthrough techniques in Advanced Hypnosis and Binaural Beat Technology, and encoded (Alpha,Theta, Delta) brainwave entrainment frequencies.

I look forward to helping you succeed on this journey to overcoming and conquering anxiety and stress in your life.

Max Kirsten

--- Clients Testimonials ---

"Max Kirstens unique method of Hypnotherapy was absolutely key in getting me off cigarettes. His technique is totally effective for many issues" Ewan McGregor - Actor

"I found Max Kirstens app to be totally relaxing, rejuvenating and refreshing, and I know you will too." Joseph Fiennes - Actor

"I have been listening everyday for a month now. Each time still has a bigger affect on me. I seem to go deeper each time. Just want to stay hypnotized, it has been a very stressful month. Seeing changes in my behaviors gradually. Thanks" Francine S

"Thanksfor your app. For 10 years Ive struggled with depression resulting from various life challenges including financial uncertainty. Ive tried medications, a psychiatrist - and nothing worked! I listen to your app every day! Thank you for helping me to recover and take charge of my thoughts and life." Lori K

You can read some more success stories at:

--- App Preview ---

You can preview the program at